Monday, June 23, 2014

Sorry I am late...

I have been doing a lot of contemplating lately. I have decided that I wanted to deactivate my Facebook. If this wasn't forever it would be for a good long while. I really have come to realize that Facebook is a shit show of everyone. Honestly, who freaking cares what your life is like? Who cares about who or what everyone else is? When did we become these creatures that allow such an invasion of privacy? Seriously, everything that we use now has some connection to Facebook. Think about how scary that really can be? I mean, the thing that gets me is the tracking cookies that Facebook has been using to track what I do on the internet on a daily basis.

My husband and I have recently decided that we are going to purchase a new vehicle. Among some other personal things we are currently going through I started seeing ads for things that no one would really have known about me even given the fact that I surfed some websites on a different browser on a different IP address and never signed into my Facebook. So how did Facebook know that I searched these things? How much about us do they really know? I know that this makes me sound like a complete crazy person but I am not sure that I am comfortable with how much information I have involuntarily shared with Facebook. I mean, how much of my life do they really need to know?

My other huge reason behind me deleting my Facebook is I have become this person that is completely disconnected from the "real" world. I have also come to find that my own "friends" do not even contact me at all unless it is for something they need and then they just straight up disappear. I think this is something that I have just come to realize and I am tired. I am tired of having to log into Facebook to get a glimpse of who I thought were my friends. It was only until I came to this realization that I felt my feelings were hurt by this. So I got angry at Facebook for basically showing me that we cannot co-exist as people with people anymore. We are only co-existing people to internet. Let's be one is who they say they are anymore and can really be whomever they want, happy, sad, someone who is not a drug addict, someone who is not a drunk. Facebook has become a mask that many use and it is killing the way that we are as people.

Ever see those remember what your childhood was like postings? How we all used to play outside and get a hold of each other without a phone? I worry that those days have come and gone and my unborn children will have to make friends on a virtual level. I do not want that for them. We have ruined ourselves as a society of people with technology. The biggest thing to ruin us as people is Facebook. We depend on it entirely too much. My husband had his birthday party recently and because people were invited in person they didn't even show up! One person told me had they been invited via Facebook they would have remembered. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE WITH THAT!

So now I have to rely on people finding my blog the old fashioned way because I have unplugged my life. I say fuck that. I would rather have people who actually want to get a hold of me to figure out how to do it. I told my husband last night that my real friends will get a hold of me that want to and those who don't are not really my friends. Of course you can always stalk me through instagram but that is going to be the only way other than my phone number or my email from this day forward. So for now I say, fuck Facebook. When did we get to be so reliant on something that controls everything we do. I refuse to be that person anymore. I am grabbing a hold of my own life. Seriously. Don't be a sheep. Be a person.

PS. I am PAINFULLY aware of the horrible writing in this blog. I just am being a lazy bitch today and you will have to just read it the way it should be read. Deal with it.

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