Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My "old" blog...

I was just reading Rachel's Rants...I know, I am a total freak and I reread my own writing sometimes. But then something amazing happened...I looked at my pageviews and I literally averaged 10,000 visits a month in 2013. Which completely proves to me two things. The first being that people actually enjoy my writing. Which, is something that puts me on cloud nine and truly makes me glad I have decided that I needed to start writing again. My writing style has changed some but not soo much that you really do not know who I am anymore. I am just a better version of myself.

The second thing I have realized, Google AdSense has only paid me $25 in a year. Seriously, what a fucking waste of space. But hey, it is $25 that I did not have before. So now that I am all set up I can start collecting my fucking hard earned click pennies. I am going to save all of them and buy a house in a hundred years. I will be dead or, the oldest human being on the planet, but I will be a rich bitch. Actually, only if inflation works in my favor. Haha. I swear, math is good sometimes, but when I get in the heat of the moment I get like super stupid.

I have been watching MTV for the last few hours, like two hours. And I have seen the hydroxycut commercial about a dozen times. (side note: Apparently hydroxycut makes the dictionary and I got that shit right!) You know the commercial with some girl doing her crazy dance with their chunky self in a bikini to their theme song "Bring on the Fire." Some how they magically lose 30 lbs in like a ten second commercial. I kind of want to try that stuff. I wonder what kind of results I would have. Seriously, sorry hydroxycut, this girl is happy being a chunker with a plan and a hot date with the gym. By hot date with the gym I mean, I keep standing up the gym like it's my job. But Jeremy and I have said that we actually need to get out of the house and get a hobby. Hobby = Gym

So I have been without Facebook for a few days. I have come to realize that even though I hate Facebook, I kind of need it. What I mean by that is, my friend's are all on Facebook. We have all chosen to keep in touch with each other in that way. Things have seriously changed in our world. I need Facebook to keep up with my friendships and my own life. Also, I feel like I am being left out. Even Jeremy was cruel enough to say, "Want to know what is happening on Facebook today? Then fucking sign back in!" He loves me. I was all ready to be this martyr and I just can't. Also, I have come to find out that I have been a complete idiot and synced up a ton of my life to my Facebook login. I cannot save all of my shit that I need on a daily, because, I no longer have access to my Facebook. I have come to realize all of this in the three days I have been without it. How fucking sad is that? I mean, how the fuck else am I supposed to get you fools to read my shit? I have to tell you that it is here right!? So now that I have done my little experiment I am going to sign back in and share this link with all of you. And all of you can say...I FUCKING KNEW SHE WOULD BREAK DOWN AND SIGN BACK IN. Congratulations. You were right. I have been defeated.

But I have also found out that I actually am starting to like should follow me @iamrachelklaver or you can click HERE to follow me. Kevin Heart follows me...because he loves him some pretty, filipino, unavailable, ranting, girl. I mean me. He likes to follow me. Oh and Morgan Freeman has an account and he followed me too. I swear I am not making this shit up. HOLLYWOOD! HERE I FUCKING COME! Ok, so they are probably bogus ass accounts, but who cares?!?


  1. Welcome back to the social network of babbling crap and junked-up newsfeeds. I did the same thing you tried to do last year and I got slack for it because the grandparents couldn't' see Amelia's pictures anymore. I tried doing the blog and emailing photos but nobody checks their emails anymore. Plus, like you, I found nearly all of my contacts on my cell phone had vanished after I deactivated my Facebook account. I hate that it controls so many avenues of our personal lives. I look forward to reading your blog and I feel like I am actually getting to know you better and keeping up with you and Jeremy instead of a short “update” that basically tells me nothing.

    Love you and miss you!


    1. Dawe! Thanks Melissa! We miss you guys. A lot, even though we find it hard to catch up. We are both pretty sad we are going to miss the annual event that is Amelia's birthday bash. If we didn't have company coming out during that time I would totally go on an adventure with Tank. :)

  2. I love your blog btw, you are very funny! I totally get it. I have a love/hate relationship with FB as well and only use it to stay in contact with people. I hate the newfeed, seems like a blackhole, I can never catch up and they never show me what I wanna see, I see the same people, the same shared pics and post, and it never seems to let me see what other people post...just some. I take many breaks from FB, I never deleted it because of all the reasons you mentioned. I just catch up with friends by going onto their profiles. I hate the way it can suck you in for hours, just a waste of time, I rather live life then read about it. Miss ya kiddo!

    1. Thanks, Olivia! I agree. I will probably never be able to delete it. Which, is sad. I probably will severely cut back on Facebook all together because honestly, it was nice not being connected for a few days. But I got lonely quick. We miss you and Shane a lot! Still laugh about the time we went to The Barn. Haha
