Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Some food and a surprise!

Being gluten free really is not as hard as I thought it would be. I feel so much better about my eating now. I have literally found that now if I even stray a tiny bit and have flour anything I feel like I am going to die. But the best part about being gluten free is I get full SUPER fast! Which also means that I have to slow my eating down a lot. If I eat too much too fast then I regret it in about 10 minutes. We have had a lot of fun with being gluten free this week. I had forgotten how much I love being in the kitchen. I made a lot of things from scratch this week using methods I have never used. I was pretty successful!

I made muffins,

shrimp alfredo,

meatloaf with baked macaroni and cheese,

and PIZZA!

Now, tonight I am going to make grilled chicken with zucchini pasta, fresh pesto, and roasted tomatoes. I will be sure to post up pictures of it on my instagram. Which I guess I will have to make public. This way, I can share all of the amazing food that I happen to cook up. Instagram <---Click that weird floating button to follow me. Now, just remember you are getting a peek into my life and there will be a few more pictures than my food. Don't worry, no one is naked. That would be against the terms and conditions of instagram. Which is really too bad.

So now, the big surprise that a few of you have been waiting for...

My husband and I were dirt poor when we got married. When I met my husband he didn't have a dime and neither did I really. (I had literally just moved to Florida the night before.) He drove a huge boat of a car that was terrible on gas, no air conditioning, smelled like gasoline, and he wore the world's worst sandals. Remember those Jesus looking sandals? Yeah, he was that guy. Well, when we got married we could not afford a real diamond ring. It was super fake and anyone who looked at it knew it...well, most people. You would not believe the amount of people who really thought this thing was real. That was ok with us. So after a long time of saving up, and searching the internet for a terrific jeweler, he finally was able to get me the most beautiful ring on the planet. I could not be happier. You see, that is love, people. We all know that I definitely was not in it for the money. I love my husband; he takes such good care of me and our dog. So now, I have a 2 carat sparkler on my finger and we are going to go get a new diamond band soon. But for now, I am going to wear my original band because it reminds me just how far we have come. We now have a new car, a new life, paid off credit cards, and new careers. He was the change that I was literally waiting for my whole life. He is the most positive change in my life. I literally won the lottery when I met him. The awesome guy lottery.

Here it is! Yay!
Now, I want all of you to be thankful for who you have in your life. Also, make sure that you get rid of the people that are toxic. I know that I did. I could not be happier.

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