Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I am going to miss beer.

For the past few weeks Jeremy and I have been trying to make a serious change to our diets because my syndrome doesn't get along with gluten anymore. I first figured this out when I cut out carbs almost completely while Jeremy was away at BCT. For those of you who do not know what that stands for it is Basic Combat Training. It seems that every time I eat something that has gluten like pizza, or pasta...pretty much everything I live for, my stomach would hurt so bad I could burst into tears. Not like the gross type of hurt that people say when they have the shits kind of deal. You all know who you don't have to lie and say your stomach hurts because we all know it is really your bowel screaming for some relief. It's alright, we all cry and we all take painful shits. But more like I am going to straight blow up. Bomb in my stomach type of blow up.

After having these pains in my stomach from eating anything that was flour related, or anytype of gluten, I decided I needed to do more research and see what the heck is going on with me. Turns out having PCOS (poly-cystic ovary syndrome) and no gallbladder really made my body reject gluten! I didn't just come to this conclusion. It isn't like I will die if I eat something that has gluten. I went to my doctor and asked him. Turns out it makes me feel lethargic and all kinds of bad. He agreed that I am definitely not someone who is allergic to gluten. However, I have the odds stacked against me for having any type of normal occurrence when it comes to eating anything with gluten. Thus, I have decided to make a change.

I have made a different decision though. That is to not throw out everything in my house gluten related. I feel like that is a total waste of money. After all, my hot hunk of man doesn't have a gluten intolerance. I have instead decided to make the change in our house a gradual one. Although, now that I have looked back into how we eat in our home we really were mostly eating that way to begin with. So thankfully, it will not be a hard switch. I think the hardest thing for me...because well, I love beer. Is giving up drinking all of these delicious concoctions made out of barley and most of all wheat. I am a sucker for wheat beer and I just am having a hard time letting this go. I feel like I am an addict that needs a twelve step program. No disrespect to those who actually need this type of thing. But it is hard to let go of something you really love ya know?

I guess vodka, gin, rum, whiskey, bourbon, ciders and all of those other things that are not made with barley or wheat are going to be my main squeeze for the rest of my life. The best part is I have a love affair with wine. I can still have that. Fuck yeah. Life is good. Oh and I don't mean those shitty ass gluten free ultra light beers...gag me. Serious.

Now, as far as food is concerned I have learned about some really amazing substitutes for things that I absolutely love! I have found quinoa is replacing pretty much everything that requires any type of pasta. Also, there are some pretty amazing things that you can do with vegetables too. I have found my love for salad again. Which is a feat for me because my gallbladder was not having it for a long time and I would turn into a salad shooter (literally) after eating any raw vegetables. But I have kept at eating raw vegetables and worked through the feeling of want to puke all while shitting at the same time after eating them. Now, I am completely normal about eating vegetables and all of you now know entirely too much about my bowel system. Never eat and read blogs...we are a gross group of individuals.

So if you have a tip or some kind of amazing recipe that is gluten free...share that bitch! And by amazing I mean that you will think about this particular dish morning, noon, and night before you actually are able to put that amazingness in your mouth. And for those of you sluts out there, I don't mean a dick.

I mean an actual recipe or a tip about being gluten free. Now have a fucking great rest of the week!

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