Sunday, July 13, 2014

Catching Up! And a pet peeve...

The past few weeks have been very busy in the Klaver house. We have had some of the craziest things to the happiest things go on in our house. We have had our sewer system back up into our house and basement three times in the last two weeks that I have been absent. That is one of the reasons I had decided that I just didn't have time to blog over the past few weeks. Because I had to deal with shit. Literally. Because the fine staff at Lincoln Military Housing, are such fucking geniuses, when it comes to fixing anything. I ended up with four inches of shit in my basement, a six foot deep hole in my side yard, and no water for an entire day.

It is all better...for now. Like I said those guys are fucking geniuses.

In other news, we have been car shopping makes me want to pull my hair out. I mean how many times can a person lie? Well, let me tell you about a doucher named Paco at the Ford dealership here in San Antonio called McCombs Ford West. Yes, I did just call that lying piece of shit out and I hope he fucking reads this too. Lying piece of shit! Ok...moving on. This mother fucker is the biggest lying piece of shit on the planet. Then when I caught him in his lies three times he yelled at me! Haha, this fool had the audacity to lie to me then blame me for his lies. So short end of this story is we got to drive around a brand new Ford Explorer for two weeks while this fool tried to cover up his lies. Moral of the story, when you know someone is lying, put as many miles as you can on their vehicle, and we did...all 700 of them. Oh and Paco is a lying piece of shit.

The hunt goes on for an SUV that we like that will fit into our budget we have set. We could have afforded this one without a problem but, I would rather spend less instead of more. Now, that I know that we get a huge discount for being USAA members I will not allow someone to take that away from us. Not even that fat lying piece of shit named Paco.

In the middle of all of this we had a visit from our best friends from Florida, Lou and Ainara. We missed them. But, we didn't even realize how much we missed them until they got here and our lives were instantly better. We spent an entire four days with them and didn't get even one group picture. How lame are we? But we did get a few other pictures.

We got to see hippos!

We got to ride elephants...well, brass elephants.

We rode dragons...

We played around this air museum...a lot.

And we ate this Big Lou's, of course.

Then we said, "See you soon." Guess we are taking a little bit of our leave in Florida. Can't wait.

Now, for my pet peeve. I have decided that if I text you and I know damn well that you got my text and you do not have the decency to text me back even a little bit, you can fuck off. I mean, even a few days later is totally fine. But straight up ignoring me then getting pissed if I do not answer for you. Get out of here with that. Anyway, moral of the story is...if you complain about having fake friends or none at may want to consider that you might just be the problem.

Cherish your friends. They are the family you choose. We only have a few friends that we consider family and we are lucky as hell to have them in our lives.