Wednesday, May 28, 2014

In the beginning...

Jeremy and I have the most romantic story ever....alright, I am totally lying. We have the most fucked up story ever. But so far the ending is looking quite amazing. He is straight up. My best friend. I have a girl best friend and I am sure I will write about our shenanigans soon because I am going to travel to see her this summer. But for now, I will tell you how this whole craziness, which is our life, happened. It really was not that long ago, but when you know, YOU JUST KNOW. So no judging here, because I know some stories about some people that will make your head spin. We actually have a completely normal story compared to some of these fools that are married and in the military. Oh yeah, we are a military family. But not the way that you think. We married each other and then married the military.

Alright, so again, it really was not that long ago...that I decided to move myself to Florida. I haven't the slightest clue on what I was thinking other than I needed to change my whole life and start over. Some of my friends were lucky enough to come for the ride and the rest of those assholes and bitches had to watch on the sidelines. It was September 22, 2012. I know! I told you it really wasn't that long ago! I moved into my friend's house and three girls were all set to tear this state up! I made a promise to myself that I was going to not date ANYONE for at least a year. The next night my friend and myself decided, let's go to Pirate Fest! Yeah! Sounds like a great idea right? Then...I wanted to sit on this chair...
Now, as you can imagine, at the time I was completely drunk. So I didn't even realize until way later that this would be the very moment that I met my husband. After his friend initiated our conversation...I always tell people that he was hitting on me. To be honest, I was drunk and sticking to my guns on wanting to do me only, I completely ignored him. The line went like this, "Hey, can you buy my friend and I beer? Because, the bartenders listen to girls faster than they do guys." Not even a minute later his friend was right. He had two beers and was being ignored by me. The next thing I hear was, "My name is (insert name here)and this is my friend, Klaver." Then I look up and I see this giant delicious man with his hand out, "Actually, it's Jeremy." After those words, we were inseparable.
Funny thing though, our real first date. Was with his mom. This is totally true. See here:
Anyway, fast forward about ten months and we got legally married...illegally, in a public park. We couldn't afford the permit to get married there, so it was a REAL quick ceremony. And guess who married us? The guy who introduced us of course!
A few short weeks later we adopted Tank!
Then Jeremy left for basic.
And that is how we became this awesomeness...
Oh! AND we moved to Texas.
Now that you know our screwed up story...keep reading as we continue to share our life publicly...on this lame ass blog.